ILO Praises UAE Efforts in Enhancing Worker Social Protection
Mr. Sangheon Lee, Director of Employment Policy, Job Creation, and Livelihoods at the International Labour Organisation (ILO) has expressed his appreciation for the efforts dedicated
Mr. Sangheon Lee, Director of Employment Policy, Job Creation, and Livelihoods at the International Labour Organisation (ILO) has expressed his appreciation for the efforts dedicated
Middle East Center for Training and Development in Dubai resumes to pursue its awareness and training endeavors under the PCLA’s Labour Awareness Program. Demonstrating an
23rd – 25th, June, 2019 DTP | MFA | MECTD Ethical Business and Recruitment Practices in Labour Migration A Training Program for Practitioners, Dubai, UAE
23rd, March, 2018 Helvetas, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Intervention of the Middle East Center for Training and Development in a special session on